Tuesday, February 10, 2009


It's still like a fridge out there, and still as a pool on
a beach. My eyes are wide open and dry as old bark.
Last night's indiscretions have been preserved in ice.

photograph by ib.

BOB DYLAN: YOU'RE A BIG GIRL from "Blood On The Tracks" LP (Columbia) 1975 (US)


Löst Jimmy said...

It snowed a good 4+ hours here this afternoon, real snowman manufacturing flakes. It's cold; brass monkeys and freezing come to mind

have a good evening ib

Anonymous said...


germán, said...

Magnifica Photo, great encuadre en formato cuadrado(dificil) ...song Dylan...sin palabras.
Siento no English ...pero forever que puedo entro a tú página que no me canso de decir es la mejor que conozco...Embrace Ib desde Spain.

ib said...

Embrace, Germt.