Sunday, September 11, 2011

9.11. dexter, sinister

On the subject of 9/11, I have little to say, save that I notice an elderly man across the street has planted American flags in his window. One large flag taped to the centre pane, two smaller ones either side.

The wound is too raw, even ten years on, the ceiling torn away so toweringly iconic, that it is difficult to reconcile trauma on the ground with repercussions rolling out from its epicentre.

I watched old footage of Bush, Jr on our television this morning. Bumbling toward some public play at catharsis. All sense of emotion evaded him then, I seem to remember, the human scale of things. Wide-eyed like a nodding imbecile in the classroom, he merely looked to have soiled himself.

New York City's mayor made a better job of mobilizing a response. Bill Clinton, stepping out of retirement. Dogshit and disgrace.

I was listening to the Ramones when flight 11 nose dived into the North Tower of the World Trade Center - 'Road to Ruin', I am not fabricating events - and I could not engage a pause. I sat and smoked a cigarette. The telephone rang. The word 'apocalyptic' is frequently misused, but the unfolding of the impossible seemed to resonate with biblical import. Twenty-two floors up, myself, small potatoes granted, I sat on my little wooden stool and braced myself for further impact; an explosion of concrete and glass.

Chicken Little, stripped to the bone.

I worried for my young son's safety - just three-years-old at the time - and decided there was nothing to be done.


@eloh said...

Every now and then something happens and I feel a physical pain at being old and "out of the loop".

As I watched in horror... I wondered what's next, how much did we know, why didn't we stop them, along with the hundreds of usual questions.

Sept. 11 or Dec. 7.. both served the same purpose.

On the other hand, The Patriot Act really sucks donkey richard...

Mike "A" in Taipei... said...

Complicated iB, like so much of life. A native, I was just across the river, having decided to walk that day as opposed to my usual subway...a beautiful day, but what's this...? Breathing in what i knew even then to be the remains of old classmates, friends, enemies, lovers and strangers, running then and running, maybe, still...America is suffering under the world's largest undiagnosed case of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and there will be no peace till we come t grips with it...

Hope you and your family are well - Long time!

@eloh said...

Hope all is well.

Emmett said...

Oh brother where art thou?

Löst Jimmy said...

ib, you've been quieter than me of late on the blog front. I hope all is well with you. Cliche I know, but sincere compliments of the season to you, glad tidings etc
Take care

Tim said...

A lot of people are waiting for his time to come....including me....little bastard

Tim said...

i moved north...fighting with a bank

Anonymous said...



Where are you?

Löst Jimmy said...

I often wonder where you went. If blogs are no longer your scene, I trust all's well.



Anonymous said...

I'mana keep this bookmarked anyway