Monday, April 12, 2010

shut up and drink your gin

He went for one day, came back and told his grandmother that they were all imbeciles. He refused to go after that. He led this insular life - never had any idea how to relate to other people in a family way."

- John Corré,
"Punk. A life Apart", Steven Colegrave & Chris Sullivan, Cassell & Co, 2001.

"Alan Jones introduced me to his shop. It was a very intimidating place. You really had to be brave to go in there because because the shop assistants treated you like shit."

- Nils Stevenson,
"Punk. A life Apart", Steven Colegrave & Chris Sullivan, Cassell & Co, 2001.

"Sometimes Malcolm would go missing for days and we'd ask Vivienne [Westwood] where he was. She'd say, 'Oh, I've locked him in a cupboard under the stairs.'"

Alan Jones ('Sex' assistant, 1975-7),
"Punk. A life Apart", Steven Colegrave & Chris Sullivan, Cassell & Co, 2001.

"There wasn't anything kinky about it. He'd just be locked in under the stairs, sitting there trying to get out."

- Marco Pirroni,
"Punk. A life Apart", Steven Colegrave & Chris Sullivan, Cassell & Co, 2001.

THE SPADES: YOU'RE GONNA MISS ME from "You're Gonna Miss Me b/w We Sell Soul" 45 (Zero Records) 1965 (US)


MikeB in NYC said...

Ah yes, a swine indeed, but our swine, or so it seemed at the time. He did, at the least, make life more interesting for so many of us, and that's not to be underestimated in these days of stagnation and pre-fab purchased attitudes.

ib said...

Mike B!

An incorrigible Fagin and mad as a hatter, certainly; his ability to energize and stir things up was never once underestimated.

Like so much of debatable value, you only realize how much you'll miss it when it's walked out the shop window for good.

In hindsight, too, he can't really be faulted for setting his own price either. Or for stealing back a little of the limelight served up raw in his workshop.