Thursday, October 2, 2008

sincerely, i. sibling


Peewit said...

you could have put up a picture where I don't have to stand on my head to view it!

ib said...

Nah! Where's the fun in that!

Anonymous said...

First off, I'm lighting yer ciggie..
Second, I'm snatching that cig away, 'cause I want some nicotine...
Then, I'm rifling through yer music collection, picking out some X, and playing it too loud.
So there.
(then, sheepishly) I'm asking if you have another cig, 'cause I crushed my pack in yer fridge door as I was rifling for even more booze...
And, seriously, all you had was cheap vodka? I'm disgusted, but I still drank all'a it... and what's the best way to the pharmecy, when it opens in five hours?
And can I borrow your sneakers, I accidentily whizzed in mine...

ib said...

First off, you're not setting foot over my front door (actually there is no back door since you would have to Absail through clouds and pigeon shit) unless you come armed with a bottle of your own.

Secondly, you need to bring a map detailing the most convenient route to YOUR pharmacy. Just to bring me up to speed.