Tuesday, September 16, 2008

horny boy: the ghosts

shamans stones and
smoakin' bones.

Arga Warga, brooders. Arga warga.

"Horny Boy rung Widders Bell
Stoal His Fathers Ham as wel
Bernt his Arse and Forkt a Stoan

Done It Over broak a boan

Out of Good Shoar vackt his wayt

Scratcht Sams Itch for No. 8

Gone to senter next to see

Cambry coming 3 times 3

Sharna Pax and get the Poal

When the Ardship of Cambry
comes out of the hoal."

- Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban.

"He wer crookit he wer Badstock
He wer not boath sides the same

Which the knowing brung the doing
And the doing brung the shame."

- Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban.

Russell Hoban hails from Lansdale, Pennsylvania.
The Ghosts continue to haunt Glasgow.

You ars varied walcum, brooders. Give us your love.

THE GHOSTS: STICKLEBACK (b) from "The Lost Album" TEAC demos (Maryjane) 1992 (UK)

THE GHOSTS: STICKLEBACK (ORIGINAL LIVE VERSION)* from "The Lost Album" TEAC demos (Maryjane) 1992 (UK)

* The original and still the best.




Ah, more ghosts.
As if I don't have enough of my own in my past.
Ah, more ghosts.

ib said...

Do ghosts beget more ghosts ? Or are they just rattling bones ?


holy ghost
skeletons are rattling bones
ghosts beget hosts of nocturne emissions
shadowy apparitions that pass through partitions
holy sun

(i will refrain from wantonly mentioning whatever i'm smoking)

ib said...


I can smell the THC burning from here.

Anonymous said...

I want all the Ghosts.

Stored in a cupboard.

So I can release the Ghosts.

Whenever I want to...

their wicked (boston accent) cool smoothness...
and the chemicals entailed
provide me with a map laid out with snail-trails...

Wonderful. Stuff. ib.

Anonymous said...

beautiful album art, too.. didn't notice until i started playing he songs. Very nice.

ib said...

Thanks, Matt.

Release the ghosts;
and bats;
the hounds.

Though not necessarily in that order.

Glad you like the album art. The photograph was taken of a bunch of home recorded C-90s I'd made up jackets for around the time the Ghosts were recording. I think I did about 100 or so.